The Pakistan Cricket Board has issued show-cause notices to five players, including allrounder and T20 captain Shahid Afridi, for appearing in an advertising commercial without the permission of the board. Pacers Mohammad Irfan, Anwar Ali, Wahab Riaz and batsman Fawad Alam are the other players to receive notices.
The five players recently appeared in an advertisement for one of the sponsors of the recent series' against Australia and New Zealand in the UAE. The players are believed to have violated the terms of their central contract, which state that they cannot participate in any commercial activity without the prior permission of the board. Players are required to obtain a No-Objection Certificate from the board before undertaking any commercial activities.
A PCB spokesperson said the board has asked the players for an explanation and has given them a week to respond, after which it will take a decision on the issue.
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